With 14+ years under her belt working with a broad range of organisations across different industries and countries, Noreen is equipped to bring accelerated transformation to your organisation through Strategic Advisory, Strategic Communication, Strategic Planning or as Panelist / Keynote for your upcoming event business, leadership, technology or empowerment event. It begins with an in-depth consultation leading up to working with you and/or your team either in-person or virtually. International travel to clients is available with prior arrangement. Request a consultation today to learn more about how Noreen can unlock value for you.

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Partial Client List

How may Noreen serve you?

CRYSTALLIZE™ Strategy Consulting

How will your business compete in your existing market or a new one, with your product or service? Do you have a blueprint to effectively connect, convince and convert your team, customers, partners or investors to work with you towards a common objective? Are you negotiating challenging or time-sensitive deals and need help? Let Noreen help you design the strategy to increase your competitive advantage, grow your client base, strengthen performance, increase operational efficiency, sharpen internal and external communication, expand into new markets and increase revenue. To work together effectively and to track results a minimum contract of 3 months is required and implementation of strategies is imperative.

VIP Strategy Facilitation (Full-Day)

Designing the next level of growth for your business or your leaders can be tough if everyone on your team is not aligned or on the same page. Having an experienced and unbiased sounding board facilitate the process can help you achieve the results you need to accelerate success in your business whilst bringing your team together. Having facilitated numerous engaging strategic planning sessions for companies in different sectors, Noreen is well equipped to walk with you through the process - before, during and after sessions.

Guest Panelist / Keynote Speaker

As a child, Noreen watched her father deliver regular public addresses in her birth country, Kenya. She intuitively followed in his footsteps and gave her first official public speech at the age of 17 as part of a personal development challenge. Decades on, Noreen has spoken internationally at business, leadership and tech events as well as on panels, radio and television sharing down-to-earth, relatable and experiential insights to inspire change and transformation.

As well as speaking engagements, clients call Noreen when facing business or leadership conundrums including but not limited to:

  • Clarity of purpose / vision

  • Business strategy

  • Communication strategy

  • Strategic planning days

  • Partnership negotiations

  • Communication challenges

  • Conflict resolution - with peers, partners or employees

  • Deal structuring

10-Week CRYSTALLIZE™ Business Coaching

This 10-week business coaching program is designed to help you design the next level of growth for your business in a structured and systematic way. Sessions are interactive and engaging, and cover both the business as well as the leader of the business - you. Having an experienced and unbiased sounding board as you work through ideas, gaps and opportunities can help you achieve the results you need to accelerate success in your business whilst achieving high performance. Having coached hundreds of business owners individually and in teams, Noreen is well equipped to walk with you through the process - before, during and after sessions.


Noreen believes that results matter the most. Work does not need to take longer than it should but it must not be rushed either. Duration depends on factors like urgency, deadline and scope of work. The goal is to achieve desired results in reasonable time.

Approach & Pricing

Noreen uses value-based pricing - not hourly rates - to work with clients. Investment in services will depend on the type/size of business, intensity of involvement in projects and company needs. Please note that the Minimum Level of Engagement (MLE) is £3,500.